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Lion’s Ear ~ Leonotis Nepetifolia

Lion’s Ear ~ Leonotis Nepetifolia

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
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30 Seeds

Status: Annual, Perennial

Zones: 4 - 12

Parts Used: Immature/Mature Leaves, Flowers

Immature/Mature Leaves: raw or dried in tea, raw or dried as seasoning/spice

Flowers: raw or dried in tea, dried and smoked 

Warning: The flowers and leaves of Lion’s Ear (Leonotis Nepetifolia) are psychoactive. When consumed via smoke inhalation may cause vivid dreams, paranoia, auditory hallucinations, etc. (when consumed in large-uncontrolled dosages).  We at Seeding Our World LLC are not held liable for any medical complications resulting from consumption of this species.

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